Our 10th. Golf Outing-To Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.

Our 10th. Golf Outing-To Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.
Monday: May 13, 2019 at The Glen Cove Golf Club. All Proceeds Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Winter's Over.....Time for Golf...........................

Please forgive me for not posting any update's. (It's been a long Winter). The 7th. Saint Mel Parish Golf Outing & Kevin Hopkins Golf Classic is Monday: May 04, 2015 at The Glen Cove Golf Club. John Grella the Club Manager is promising us a special day. Last year's Golf Outing raised: $8,000.00 for The Saint Mel Academy. Which makes our total donations:$48,500.00. If anyone has any questions? Please call me. Tony Flynn at 917-376-5286. Thanks Again !!!!!

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