Our 10th. Golf Outing-To Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.

Our 10th. Golf Outing-To Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.
Monday: May 13, 2019 at The Glen Cove Golf Club. All Proceeds Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Interesting Information On Who is Viewing Our Golf Outing Web Page:

As the Administrator of the Golf Outing Web Page. I Receive Stat's On Our Views. It Is Quite Interesting to See Who has an Interest In: The Saint Mel Parish Golf Outing & Kevin Hopkins Golf Classic.

Enough Said Here Is the Info:

(Based on Recent Page Views)

USA- 98 Page Views.

Ireland-26 Page Views.

France-3 Page Views.

Germany-2 Page Views.

Ukraine-2 Page Views.

Now I Need to Find Out Which One Of Our Golfers Has a Friend(Or Two) In the Ukraine.(LOL).

Best To All, Looking Forward To Monday...............Tony.

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