Our 10th. Golf Outing-To Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.

Our 10th. Golf Outing-To Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.
Monday: May 13, 2019 at The Glen Cove Golf Club. All Proceeds Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"4th.Annual Saint Mel Parish Golf Outing-READY TO GO"!

I like this picture. It does justice to the rough at" Glen Cove Golf Club". (Remember keep it in the fairway.) I'm happy to say: We Have The Largest Group Ever! "Seventy-Seven Players" will be joining us for this Year's Outing. The Weather is expected to be Great!  I'm looking foward to seeing everyone! Check-in time is around 11:00 AM on Monday-May 07,2012. Lunch begins at 11:45 AM.

I would like to "Thank" the following People for Their Dedication To This Event & To Our Parish:

Kathy Allen, Marilyn DeVito, Tom Farrell, Vito LaRocca, Sal Bonomo, Dominic Lobasso, Frank Keppel, Joey Vitabeeli, Peter Cuneo, Frank Schemitsch, Anthony Rubinich and Joe Fredia..................................  

"Last But Not Least": Our Pastor. Father-Gerard Sauer. 


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