Our 10th. Golf Outing-To Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.

Our 10th. Golf Outing-To Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.
Monday: May 13, 2019 at The Glen Cove Golf Club. All Proceeds Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Stuff For Our Golfers At The 8th. Outing.

Each of our Golfers Will Receive These Gifts From the Golf Outing Committee:

1- A High Quality Golf Towel with Grommet. (Photo Above is the Golf Towel Logo).

2- A Sleeve of Golf Balls.

3- A Handful of Golf Tee's.

4- A Great Day Of Golf !!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Honoring the Pastors of Saint Mel Parish at this Years Golf Outing.

We will be honoring all the Pastors of Our Parish at this years Golf Outing.

A Special Thank You to Mr. Coen from the Brooklyn Dioceses for finding this photo.

Our 1st. Pastor. Monsignor Terence Sharkey.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

More Prizes For The Golf Outing.

We have made more purchases for our Raffle at the Golf Outing Dinner.

Golf equipment valued at $1,000.00.

In addition we will have other items at the Raffle for your bidding pleasure.

Exciting New Raffle Prize Donated by PGA Head Golf Professional- Dale Spina.

A New Raffle Prize Being Donated By PGA Head Golf Professional- Dale Spina.

A 1/2 Hour Private Lesson with Dale. At the Alley Pond Golf Center.

Interesting Note: Dale was Kevin Hopkins Golf Instructor for many years.

Which helped Kevin secure a single digit handicap.

To book a lesson with Dale call.

(718) 496-3215.