Our 10th. Golf Outing-To Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.

Our 10th. Golf Outing-To Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.
Monday: May 13, 2019 at The Glen Cove Golf Club. All Proceeds Benefit The Saint Mel Catholic Academy.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Tomorrow Monday: May 05, 2014 is the Saint Mel Parish Golf Outing & Kevin Hopkins Golf Classic.

Weather will be high of 69 degrees. A perfect day for golf. Check in is at 11:30 AM.

Looking forward to a Great Day! (Updates will be posted after the outing).

Friday, May 2, 2014

All Right!! We are all Set for Monday!!!!!

We are set for Monday. The Weather will be great. As will the Golf & Company.

Please Check in at 11:30 AM.  Warm-Up on the Driving Range & Get Ready for the Putting Contest. Then A BBQ Lunch.

Golf & The Gala Banquet.

I wish to Thank My Co-Chairs:

Tom Farrell

Frank Keppel

Vito LaRocca

A Job Well Done for the 6th. Annual Saint Mel Parish Golf Outing & Kevin Hopkins Golf Classic. It's going to be a special day!

Addition updates to follow.